Hi, I’m Kevin.

I’m a fitness and nutrition coach who has helped numerous people just like you reach their fitness goals. Whether your goal is to gain/lose weight, get stronger, improve athletic performance, improve overall wellness, or just look better naked (all of which are great goals), you are in the right place.

As an online trainer AND nutrition coach, I help my clients…

  • lose fat AND get toned

  • lose weight AND get more defined

  • improve their body composition

  • build muscle AND get stronger

  • learn the best way to eat for THEM to achieve their goals

  • understand how to make nutrition and food LESS stressful

  • fit health and fitness into their ALREADY busy lives

Here is my own transformation!

My own transformation was all in all pretty simple, but far from easy (and there’s a huge difference between the two). It involved consistency with nutrition and exercise. But along with that consistency, I was also patient. And that’s what I try and preach to everyone who I have the privilege of coaching. Everyone has different specific needs with exercise and nutrition, but overarching principles of patience, consistency, and simplification (at least as much as possible) are present in everyone that I work with.

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